The Sudden Rise of Weak Men

And how to fix it.

Saroj Shrestha
4 min readSep 3, 2023
The Sudden Rise of Weak Men
Photo by Tom Pumford on Unsplash

We and the generation afterwards consist of weak men deprived under severe stress and anxiety.

For some, the only option remaining seems like over indulging themselves into self-sabotaging habits of mindlessly smoking and drinking.

For others, it’s porn and wasting their time chasing girls and hanging out with a bunch of dudes doing the same dumb shit.

Those habits only lead you to becoming a man threatened by your own identity. The recent data clearly shows the number of men under depression is at peak. However, the media has been feeding you this message for years via various movies and TV shows:

“Smoking and drinking is fucking cool.”

“Chasing girls for attention and love is cool.”

Fuck you, bitch! The former leads you to various cardiovascular related diseases in your mid-40’s and 50’s. The latter leads you to wasting your time and energy into something that won’t make any sense after a few years. You could have used so much of that time and energy into pursuing something worth achieving.

So, here’s how I would define a real man:

  1. Someone self-secured and self-sufficient with his own identity. Not seeking validation and attention from others indicates you’re emotionally resilient.
  2. Someone chasing lofty goals Oh, yes, motherlover, money is attractive. But do you know what’s more attractive than that? Passion, perseverance, chasing your goals like Arjuna, hard working, conscientiousness and dedication towards your craft.
  3. Responsibility. Oh, fuck! No one told you that responsibility is the sign of adulthood. Being responsible for your words, actions and behaviour towards yourself and others indicates you know what being responsible really means.
  4. Someone who understands, cares, loves and supports. Before you call me a hypocrite now, let me tell you, I’m not saying that having a partner or a bunch of friends is awful. But having someone with the same values and principles in your life is beautiful. Having someone who points out the awfulness in you, helps you fix your crap is beautiful. Someone who accepts your weakness, and doesn’t see you as a means to an end to something is beautiful. Because if you’re chasing a pretty woman with a big-fat ass and round boobs that makes you weenie go hard on a single look, you’ll end up with a hot girl only being with you for your bank balance, credit card and good looks. And fuck you if your life is miserable and instesd of fixing it you’re either chasing girls like they’re some fucking aliens with a magic bucket between their legs, you want to touch and feel it. Or, you’re hanging out with dudes drinking and smoking mindlessly. Fucker, control your wennie. Go. Fix your life first. Then, start dating.
  5. An intelligent problem solver. Yes, real men are problem solvers. They solve problems. And, they help others solve their problems too. Because society needs men to pace the human race forward. So, how do you become an intelligent problem solver? By educating yourself, asshole. It’s your duty to learn. It’s your duty to educate yourself. It’s your duty to have your own opinions, ideas and perspectives. And the only way to do that is via educating yourself and learning how to think.
  6. Recognizing your evil desires and not allowing it to consume your existence and being. Because you do have some evil desires within you. The point is, to not let it control you. Whether you crave junk foods, casual sex, hookups, drinking or smoking, control it. The men who allow their desires to consume them are often blinded by their own wrong doings. They never realize their true potential and live a miserable life. By controlling your evil desires, you’ll also learn the importance of delayed gratification, patience and self-control.
  7. Treating yourself like you matter but also being kind to others at the same time. Most men of today’s generation have lost this art. Either they turn themselves into an asshole no one wants to be with, or they become people pleaser sniffing everyone’s ass like a puppy. Do you think that’s attractive? No, it’s not. You’re in this world to conquer and achieve your goals. So stop pleasing everyone. Stop being nice to them just for the sake of it. However, this does not imply you’ve to be rude with people. Fuck! Who said that? Be kind to others, but don’t allow your kindness to be taken for granted or advantage of. Have clear boundaries for what you allow in your life and what you don’t. Tell them as it is. Don’t sugarcoat. Because by being nice to others and making them at ease, the only person you’re making uncomfortable is yourself.

So, tell me, what are the points have you employed in your life and what are the areas where you’re lacking behind? Find it, and fix that crap soon before it enlarges and turns into a monster you never want to deal with.

Just realize that whatever shit you’re going through, you can overcome it. Be a warrior, and stop being a whimp hiding your face behind pussy (I mean, cat, you dirty!).

